Europe 2018
Hello everyone! Hope you are doing well and staying healthy. Since there isn't much happening and im procrastinating terribly on my latest project portfolio, here are some stories from my old blog.💕
Europe in 5 days!
May 22, 2018

It's almost here! This week is going to FLY by. In honor of this being the last week before the trip I wanted to give you all a little insight into what it took to get everything planned out. Today I'll talk about where we will be staying, flights, and how we managed to keep this trip under 2,000 USD per person.
To be absolutely truthful, I had no idea at the beginning of the year that I would be traveling across the world. It was a trip that planned before I came along. Early April they found out one of their friends cancelled and they decided to invite me. Immediately I wanted to say yes. But I thought for a few moments and figured I really didn't have the money. Tuition for Architecture is almost 3,000 USD a semester and even with the help of student loans I end up paying a good chunk out of pocket.
With that being said, I had put away 1,000 dollars from my tax return to put towards school the following semester. The gears in my head were turning and I was so tempted to use that money for the trip. But I know myself and I can make irrational decisions sometimes. So I went to my mom for advice and I couldn't have been happier with her response. "Its a once in a lifetime trip. Do it!" She said. So that morning I booked an appointment to get my passport and we've been steadily planning since.
Passport = $240 (I had it expedited both ways to make sure it came in on time. It's usually 150 if you wait the normal 4-6 weeks.)
All flights combined ~ $1,450 ( 6 flights total)
Airbnb ~ $260 ( 4 Airbnb's at around 65 dollars a person for 4 nights)
And lastly we are estimating food will cost $250
Excluding the passport, that puts me at roughly $1,960.
Can you believe we will be staying in Europe for two weeks and only spent $250 on rooms! Nice hotels here in Texas can cost the same price for a single night! I wish I had known about Airbnb sooner. This is my first time booking through them so I'll let you know how it goes!
Most of the flights in Europe were under $80 dollars. Flying from New York to Lisbon and From Paris to Dallas were the most expensive. Each flight was about $450. Did I mention this will also be my first time flying? I am so lucky to be marking these things off of my bucket list so quickly!
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